It's a little bit scary and a whole lot exciting! We are on the 10 day forecast! Right now it looks like a comfortable cloudy. I'm not putting all my eggs in that basket after the crazy changes the last couple years. =) As long as it is not too hot or a crazy rain storm we'll be happy. As we wind the season down things seem to really be falling into place. The kids are registered, vans booked, singlets and shirts ordered, and dinner is working it's way to us. We are just on the cusp of reaching our goal for this year! It is a beautiful feeling and we have so many of you to thank. I will get to that in a later post, it's too late for me to get all emotional before bed.

As the training winds down the kids are really starting to feel the bonds they are building with their teammates. Sharing in each others triumphs and trials, grumps and groans, and smiles and excitement has no doubt brought the group closer. When you spend that many miles together, it's hard not to. The last couple days have been team runs. By their choosing. The fast kids slow down and the slow kids speed up a bit and we all run together, in a pack, in a family. Lots of smiles, lots of love.
Jokingly the kids called them LB Jennifer runs after our humble Jennifer who leads by example and not by choice. She would prefer to run right by you and not have you notice, but we all do. She runs with a calm serenity that we all wish we had. Little emotion, she is focused. She makes it look so easy. They kids say it doesn't even look like she is breathing and she never sweats. On the LB Jennifer runs we are reminded to stay focused and not breathe or sweat. We even get her to crack a beautiful smile as we run and joke. Jennifer has been with us for three years and will complete her 3rd LA Marathon. Watching her grow and mature, become more out going and take on new challenges has been a joy. This past week we received another generous donation. I opened a package to find a brand new Garmin GPS watch and a kind note. What a surprise! Without even thinking twice, it went straight to Jennifer. Both Del Cid and I run with GPS watches and Jennifer had recently inquired. This was perfect! There is no more deserving person. I immediately looked up her schedule and delivered it to her in class. I do not know who was more excited, me to pass it on to her, or her in receiving. Her smile made it clear. She used it on our 14 miler the next day and has every day since. Ms. Salaun, you have brought great joy to an amazing person who will undoubtably be, a life long runner. Thank you!
On another note, one of our runners had a little fall this past Saturday. The heat got to him and he took a little tumble. Being the tough guy he is, he did not tell me until we were finished. Albert is as tough and determined as they come. He started running with us last year and could not do the marathon due to an issue with his foot. He continued to run and has lost quite a bit of weight. He is faster and stronger this year and is one of our most dedicate runners, rarely missing practice. He tried to tell me he was fine, but the limp on Monday didn't fool me. In the fall he landed on his knee and injured his ankle. If I may ask, please send your prayers and good vibes for healing his way. He has worked too hard and the thought of him not being able to run breaks my heart and those of his teammates. He hasn't run this week and we have missed him. We are hoping the rest will do him well.
Some people have asked what our alumni are up to. I sent out an email to those on my list and asked them to pass it around. The responses have been incredible and so heartfelt. That will be an upcoming post as well. Again, it's too late for me to get all emotional before bed. =)
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