Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Run with your Heart.

This is a bit lengthy, but we have a lot to talk about.  Sunday, dreams came true.  I have also included many pictures of the day.  Enjoy.  Thank you to those who have joined us on this journey.

Sunday March 17, 2013, seventeen J-Town Running Club members completed the 26.2 mile Stadium to the Sea, Los Angeles Marathon.  What an incredible day it was.  We were up and at 'em around 3:30 to get ready and meet the kids at 4:50AM.  They were all prompt and ready to go and some of them were even awake!  We gave the kids their snack bags and water so they would eat something before the race.  Before Saturday training runs we would survey who ate breakfast and it was usually about 3 of the 17.  They are crazy.  They were going to eat something before this marathon, if to took me force feeding them!

You could feel the excitement and nervousness as we drove to Dodger Stadium.  As we travel up I-5, seeing the lights of the Stadium gives me the chills.  We are almost there, no backing out.  The LA Marathon has really streamlined the drop off process and we were able to unload well before 6AM.  We headed over toward the gear check area and had the kids cover themselves with sunscreen and BodyGlide and of course, nipple guards for the boys.  Chaffing is painful and chaffed nipples are no joke.  When you see a man running with blood stains dripping down his shirt, it kind of makes your legs and feet feel better.  Pity that man when he showers.  We made sure the boys wouldn't have that problem.  We got the bags dropped off and found the lines of porta-pots.  The boys learned that it is much faster to pee in the bushes behind them.  Lucky.
When we all got back together we warmed up, stretched and took our before picture.
  We sure do look like a happy bunch!
We then headed to the start line to crowd in with the rest of the 24,000+ runners.  We would be line for over 30 minutes before the start so we had time to laugh and joke and shake off the anxiety.  Our last time together.  When we met again we would be marathon FINISHERS!  When they said they were scared, I told them they should be.  It is natural.  If your dreams don't scare you they're not big enough. They were about to do something that only 1% of Americans will do in their lifetime.  Stephanie said she felt like she was about to try a new drug, not knowing what the effect would be.  I thought that was a pretty darn good analogy.  Not to worry, Stephanie is about as clean cut as they come.  Running is her drug.  We told the kids to keep their eyes on the prize, remember what Mr. Boykin said about focusing on what they could control and stay positive.  Most importantly, have fun.  They were in for an incredible ride.
Rafael Iniquez met the group at the start line.  Rafael ran the Huntington Beach Marathon with the J-Town Running Club five years ago.  He has continued to run, trimmed down and transformed himself to a life of health.  Rafael is one of the most motivated, determined and resilient young men I have worked with.  When he sets his mind to something, nothing will stop him.  This would be his 4th marathon.  He is a role model for many.  We are very proud of you, Rafael.  
When the gun went off, we didn't move.  Thus began the hurry up and stop trek to the start line.  It would be another 10 minutes before we crossed the start line.  The first few miles were pretty crowded, it is hard to keep a quick pace running in between and around runners.  It was just fine with me, the pace was perfect. =)  On the first small hill coming out of Dodger Stadium you see the sea of people for the first time.  The enormity of the event sets in as you realize one, you are not the only crazy person out there and two, this is AWESOME!  From this point on we wouldn't see to much of each other. 

 The LA Marathon course is very cool.  This year the PERFECT weather brought out even more spectators.  Their energy is amazing and certainly keeps you going in the late miles.  We had the kids write their names on their bibs.  I cannot explain the feeling when complete strangers are cheering you on.  At about mile 15 there was a crowd of people that started chanting GO WHITNEY, GO WHITNEY!  I think that propelled me through the next few miles.  Every time I heard my name my smile widened and my legs moved faster.  The people of LA came out in full force and we felt the love.  From the tunnel of people at mile 7 in Silverlake to Cheer Zone and Cheer Ally at 16 and 18, the taiko drummers, to the cross-dressing cheerleaders in West Hollywood to finishing with crowds four deep in the final mile.  The spectators really make this race memorable.
Carol and Jazmine
We were lucky to have many helpers this year and let me tell you it made a HUGE difference!  Thank you to Ms. Zizz, Ms. Clancy and Ms. Salaam who took care of the aid station at mile 8.  You guys were great cheerleaders too.   Mom, Xochitl, Dave and Itzel were also able to stop there, cheers us on an take a few pictures before heading to the finish.

Stephanie and Jackie
Stephanie has true heart.  She has been so excited for this.
She had a stress fracture in her foot a few months ago and really feared not being able to do the marathon.
She took some time off and was determined to come back, she was not going to be stopped.
She has lost weight, and gained confidence changed her diet and her attitude.
She is on the road to success.   So proud of you!
Jackie is our softball player.  She was also determined to make this happen.
She would run on her own if she missed practice for softball or academic decathlon.
Such a sweetheart and a joy to have with us.


Mr. Prager and Ms. Lopez took care of the mile 14 station.  We didn't have any one there last year and it was refreshing to have the support and the Tylenol!
A few JMAC (Jordan Media and Communications) students volunteered to travel on their own to take pictures of us on the course.  Big thanks to Gabino, Frank and Alex.  Sandra and I teach in the JMAC program and work with these boys.  They too, are amazing kids.  One more reason to love this job.
Carol is a freshmen at Cal State Long Beach
She began running with us last year in February, but, too late to do the marathon.
She was determined and came back to train with us this year.
Pleasure to have you with us!  We are proud of you.

Our soccer player.  A hard worker.  So sweet and fun
Way to go beating the boys!

I think the picture explains it all!
You are awesome, thanks for keeping us laughing.

Runs with ease we wish we all had.  Such a great kid.  Kind, thoughtful and fun!.

This girl is amazing. Smart, articulate, confident, caring, big things are ahead for you girl!

Three weeks ago he suffered a Grade 2 sprain of his ankle.  He rested and refused to be stopped.
The heart of a champion!
Del Cid

Isaic, Maoleng and some slow old lady
You guys are great!
Thanks for putting up with out harassment and for the laughs.
Proud of you.  Hope to see you back next year Maoleng.

Here are some of the other characters on the course.  A marathon is great people watching!

My student teacher Mr. Dowsett, volunteered to take care of our mile 20 station.  He is a great person; he and his girlfriend were awesome and took good care of all of us as we entered the toughest 6 miles we had yet to run.  They were also able to take some pictures of the kids.  They look a little different than miles 8 and 14, but for the most part, they are smiling.

I took a little break at mile 20 to chat with Mr. Dowsett about the kids that had come through and to make sure everyone was OK.  Sandra and I are running our own races, but we are also responsible for these kids.  It's a little nerve wracking.  To help with this anxiety, we had the kids register our phone numbers to track them throughout the race.  As the kids passed the 10K, 20K, 30K, 40K and finish we would get a text message.  Throughout the race I would walk for a bit and check my phone.  It's a little blurry running and reading, I tried.
Two weeks ago Joseph's foot began to really pain him.
He took some time off and kept trying to come back.
He rested the last week and although with great pain, he finished.
Dedication. Determination. Heart.

Slow and steady wins the race.
Always calm and collected.
Such a hard worker, dedicated  runner and a sweetheart.
Marathon #2
Very proud of you!
She has an after school internship with Boeing and is a hard worker.
Very sweet and always thinking of ways to help running club!
Jennifer and Mr. D
As I chatted with Mr. Dowsett and saturated my legs with IcyHot, my phone started beeping like crazy. As I was at mile 20, Eduardo, Luis and Jennifer were crossing the finish line.  They all finished in 4:09 with in 30 seconds of each other.  I nearly jumped for joy, then I nearly cried!  I was/am so proud of them.  The boys had earlier been projected to finish in 3:30 but cramped up in the last few miles.  Mr. Dowsett shared that Jennifer was a good 25 minutes behind them at the mile 20 mark.  She made up that time in the last 6 miles.  How awesome is that!  Our quiet little leader caught the boys walking at mile 25.  "Why are you walking!" she asked them, "we have less than a mile!"  Needless to say, they mustered the strength to run in the last mile.  They were not going to let a girl beat them.  The 20-22 miles in the VA are always tough for me, not sure why, I just struggle at that point.  Sunday, I ran with a smile on my face and in my heart.  Jennifer took off an hour from her previous marathon and I was so proud of her.  20-22 flew by and I turned on to San Vicente with a little extra pep in my step.  
OK, maybe they're a little tired
Luis -- has been our most consistent runner and continues to improve.  It was  pure joy to watch him run.  He does it with such ease.  A gentleman and a leader.  Nice work!  Proud of you.
Eduardo was another one of our dedicated young men.  He works hard and like, Luis always pushed to the next level never taking the easy road.  Thank you for all the pictures!  Great job! Proud of you.
I cannot say enough about this kid.  Three years working with her have been such a pleasure.  She is incredible.  Smart, focused, hard working, kind, dedicated, respectful and a leader.  Her smile, makes me smile.  We are soooo proud of you and will really miss you next year.  Keep on running! 
Then I got the text that my sister finished.  Again, and incredible feeling, this day kept getting better and better.  She tore up the course and destroyed her previous PR.  She trained like crazy and it showed.  All that was missing was her dog Pennie, who was her training partner.  If dogs were permitted on the course, Pennie would have been there.  Pennie did every long run, including 20 miles, she would have owned 26.2, much like Ashley did.  Ashley and her husband Dave were also sponsors for our students, it was great to have them with us. 
My phone continued to beep as I ran the last 4 miles, students were crossing that finish line.  It continued to propel me to my own finish.  These kids were kicking butt.  Of course, as I turned the corner onto Ocean Avenue, I started to get emotional.  After a few years of health issues and a couple years of crappy marathons, I felt amazing.  I am certain it is the energy of the kids that did it for me.  I am so proud of them.  I was excited to finish and even more excited to see them at the finish.  Garth Brooks, Standing Outside the Fire came on my IPod.  Again, country music brings me home.  

Life is not tried it is merely survived

If you're standing outside the fire

Carol, Maoleng, Isaic, Jazmine, Ms. Gomes
There was so much beauty in this day and the emotion poured out.   Much as it is right now as my eyes well with tears as I write this.  There's something life changing about crossing that finish line.  I am so happy to share it with wonderful young people, who, will no doubt go on to change the world.  I refuse to stand outside the fire.

My sister and I

I was met at the finish by my Mother and Sister.  Two people who are shining examples of all that is good.  Thank you for your support and thank you for always making me better.  This day would not have been possible with out them.  On Saturday they took care of getting the all the goodies for breakfast and the finish.  On Sunday they helped make sure all the kids were taken care of in the morning as I was a frantic disaster.  Ashley's husband, Dave drove the family van with my Mom, Xochitl and Isaic's sister Itzel from the start to mile 8 to cheer us on and then on to the finish where they set up a to receive the runners.   It looked like we were having a party!  Mom made signs, and together they got the table, chairs, and a ton of food and drinks to the finish for all to enjoy.  Mom was behind the camera and we didn't get a family picture.  Thank you for everything you do.  We simply could not do this without the support of our families.  Del Cid's sister got up early to go with us to the start, drop us off and get the van to the finish.  It pretty much takes a village, but, together, we make this happen. 
Mom making signs

Del Cid family.
As the kids came in the party grew and we celebrated each other.  The relief and the joy as we all shared our stories. 

Armando greeting Marisol.
Is this really the only pic of Mando?
This young man has a heart of gold.
It is such a pleasure to work with him.
Never a sour word out of his mouth and always a smile.
Smart, hard working, and caring.
Future is very bright!

The group after.

Some student from Jordan volunteered with the marathon and found us after they were finished working.  We were able to take a  group picture with alumni and volunteers.  It was great to feel the J-Town love.

We require that students attend school on Monday after the marathon.  Come on, who wouldn't want to show off that medal?  We were definitely noticeable in the bright green race shirts.  Our school is going through WASC this week and the students were proud to have their picture taken by some of the evaluators.  After school we met to take thank you pictures and our group finisher picture.  Jackie had to attend softball practice after school so we walked/hobbled/limped/crawled out to the softball field to make sure she was included in the picture.  We also gave the students their finisher shirts, which look great!  We decided we will all wear them this Friday.
   As the marathon neared and season came to a close, the kids got sentimental.  We have spent a lot of time together over the past 6 months and have really bonded.  We will not be meeting to run after school or spending our Saturday mornings together.  We have become very close and saddened that is it ending.  Don't worry guys, the ties that bind you and the memories will never go away, we, are a team.  You have exceeded the expectations of many and made us all proud.  These kids are hard working, kind, supportive, dedicated, respectful and appreciative.  The future looks bright.  To our sponsors, you have made an investment that will pay great dividends.  Thank you!

When we met this Monday the kids presented us with flowers, they were beautiful.  They predicted that I would cry and Ms. Del Cid would pretend her tear ducts don't work.  They know us pretty well. 
The admitted that this past Monday, while Del Cid and I were at meetings, they didn't do the full run.  They ran to the park, stretched and planned out the flowers and thank you.  Of course, we could not be upset.  They had already made us so proud.  We are honored and lucky to work with you.

Ms. Del Cid and I do this for fun, to provide kids with an opportunity to challenge themselves to do something they never could have imagined.  Ever since I ran my 1st marathon and felt that sense of accomplishment and feeling that I could take on the world; I have wanted to share it with others.  Running Club came to be, because of that feeling.   I hope you guys feel it too.  I hope you go out and take on the world.  Thank you for sharing in this journey.
Remember, you have already proven....anything is possible.

"If I could do the seemingly impossible – run a marathon – what else could I do? There is something profoundly liberating about this quintessential running achievement. It's as if in accomplishing it, we not only surpass a performance threshold that now redefines us as an athlete, but we also have exceeded our own threshold of personal limitation. A marathon, and most other benchmark athletic accomplishments, become watershed moments for many of us, perhaps because our bodies take us to a place our minds thought they couldn't go. And our mind, unconfined, throws open the door to enormous personal potential."

-Mina Samuels, Run Like a Girl

I continue to hear from alumni and will be writing about them and our sponsors soon.  It has been an overwhelming past couple weeks.  All of it, sooo worth it. 

I was supposed to be at the coffee shop to write my paper that was due Sunday (Professor gave me an extension).  I had to do this first.  

Much love.  Many thanks.

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